
  • Bakytbek Sharshenalievich Aituganov Институт машиноведения и автоматики Национальной академии наук Кыргызской Республики
  • Ryskul Asangulovich Kasymbekov Институт машиноведения и автоматики Национальной академии наук Кыргызской Республики
  • Isman Dzhusupbekovich Osmonov Кыргызский национальный аграрный университет им. К.И.Скрябина
  • Alibek Egemberdievich Akmatov Институт машиноведения и автоматики Национальной академии наук Кыргызской Республики


seeds, drainer, seed draining, shell.


The method of pre-sowing treatment of seeds by means of their draining, i.e. the formation of a protective and nutritious shell on the seed of agricultural crops, is carried out by gradual layering of the components of the draining mixture and the binding fluid when the seeds move along a spiral trajectory. The nature and size of the shell formation are closely related to the size, shape and roughness of the seed of agricultural crops.The pre-sowing treatment of seeds by the formation of an artificial shell is based on the continuous action of the draining process. The composition of the components of the coating mixture and the binding fluid is formed depending on the physical and mechanical properties of the seeds. The draping modes are performed continuously and sequentially, and all operations are mechanized.The article substantiates the main parameters of a universal draper that contributes to the qualitative formation of an artificial seed shell with protective and nutritious components during the continuous action of the draining process with maximum mechanization.


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