
  • Бактыбек Султаналиев Институт машиноведения и автоматики Национальной академии наук Кыргызской Республики
  • Danislan Melis uulu Институт машиноведения и автоматики Национальной академии наук Кыргызской Республики
  • Bekbol Taalaibek uul Кыргызский горно-металлургический институт им. акад. У. Асаналиева


rescue tool, hydraulic cutter, combined hydraulic shear, working tool, hydraulic jack, hydraulic side cutter, hydraulic cylinder, pumping station, control unit, hydraulic circuit, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic lock, pump, high pressure pump, hydraulic distributor, hydraulic fluid


Emergency rescue tools are considered, and schematic diagrams of the drive of hydraulic tools such as scissors-reamers and cutter-scissors are given. The main parameters for the design of two types of tools are presented. A description of the developed design of two types of hydraulic tools is given - these are combined shears-expanders and a hydraulic cutter shears, as well as their technical characteristics. The operating principle of the developed tools is described. Based on the results of design, manufacturing, test analysis and experience in using these tools at sites, directions for improving the designs of the developed tools were formulated. Design changes that improve the technical and operational parameters, as well as the manufacturability of the main parts of the tools, are presented and justified.


https://www.holmatro.com/en/rescue/innovations/core-technology. Дата обращения: 22.11.2016.

https://www.weber-rescue.com/ru/feuerwehr/hydraulische-rettungsgeraete/schneidgeraete/rsc170.php. Дата обращения: 07.12.2016.

https://firedesign.narod.ru/fire_equipment/lukas-hydraulik/lukas-hydraulik.htm. Дата обращения: 05.01.2017.

https://fireman.club/statyi-polzovateley/gasi-medved-tth-naznachenie-oblast-primeneniya-obzor/. Дата обращения: 20.11.2016.

https://fireman.club/statyi-polzovateley/gasi-ermak-tth-naznachenie-oblast-primeneniya/. Дата обращения: 20.11.2016.

https://fireman.club/statyi-polzovateley/gasi-agregat-texnicheskie-xarakteristiki-komplekta/. Дата обращения: 03.01.2017.

https://fireman.club/statyi-polzovateley/komplekt-gasi-prostor-ttx-xarakteristiki-motonasosnyj-agregat-mna-25-ruchnoj-nasos-rn-25-kusachki-kg-25-nozhnicy-rkg-25-kusachki-armaturnye-kag-25-komplekt-domkratov-dg-25/. Дата обращения: 10.01.2017.

https://fireman.club/inseklodepia/gidravlicheskiy-avariyno-spasatelnyiy-instrument-gasi/. Дата обращения: 22.11.2016.

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